Monday, January 12, 2009

Sing all you little Birdies!

I love Google lol. I stumbled onto a little tidbit of information on the net the other day and it is so cool I decided to post it here.

Why do birds sing?
Birds sing“because they can and because they must,”says David Rothenberg, a professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.“Songs are used to attract mates and defend territories, but the form is much more than function. Nature is full of beauty, and of music.”

Birds sing because they have a syrinx instead of a larynx. The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song. That, at least, is the natural explanation for their gift.But I ask again, why do birds sing? Because their Creator put a song in their hearts. Each bird is“heaven’s high and holy muse,”said John Donne, created to draw our hearts up to our Creator. They are reminders that He has given us a song that we may sing His praise.
So when you hear God's little hymn-birds singing their hearts out, remember to sing your own song of salvation. Lift up your voice—harmonious, hoarse, or harsh—and join with them in praise to our Creator, Redeemer, and Lord.The birds of the air“sing among the branches," Israel's poet observes.“[Therefore] I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being” (Ps. 104:12,33).— David H. Roper

Isn't that just so amazing? I love the picture it brings to mind...back at Creation...the Father speaking the Word to the little birdie throat and it magically appears, perfect, just right for the purpose He intended it for ~to worship Him.
Sometimes I find it more difficult to believe it for myself, that the Lord would speak such intimate details into me, but I know in my heart it is true.

The desire to sing my worship to the Lord has been placed inside of me by Him, and it's for Him. On less secure days I can catch myself looking for the approval of man, but really, I don't need it. We are learning to focus on our Audience of One no matter what it is we are called to do.
We're never too young or too old to start either! Go for it! Sing your heart out to the One.

And now, for your enjoyment ~ the Cactus Cuties, doing just that:)

1 comment:

mari said...

they make me tear up!