Monday, May 25, 2009

Patrick James

Patrick ~ PA-trik: Noble , a Patrician, High Ranking

I find when I begin writing about my children, I have far too many stories, pictures and boasts. Not that it will stop me, I just wanted to give you a little headzup:)

This year our baby turns 27. Wow. I was thinking of all the things this young man has been through in his lifetime, all the accomplishments, the easy times, the very difficult times, and the insanely happy times, he really should be older than this!

Even when I think of the number of jobs this kid has had ~a successful paperboy, meat cutting plant assistant, hired on at McDonald's right at his interview, which apparently never happens:)...graduated from high school, worked at the Chevron, had a brief career at Superstore, (way to go Prouce), did some Computer courses, was head tech at Future Shop for quite a while (yes I'm old and cannot remember things like time frames I guess), and is now a Site Coordinator for Northern Health. (I'm sure I missed stuff in there), I wonder how he has crammed that into these few years.

Technically he's been married 3 times...

..but he saved the best for the last:)

Anyways, those are a few of the things he did, for sure, but I was really thinking about who Patrick 'is':)

And I came up with a few things....

Adorable..(much like his siblings:))

Loyal (diehard Canuck fan)

Talented ...


A bit wild maybe..


(I don't even want to know what they were doing here..

A fabulous dad..

and a pretty great son:)

And the amazing thing is, he's just beginning to really live:)

Proverbs 27:19 (New International Version)
19 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man

This is our Noble son, and we are so pleased with him!

Happy Birthday Patrick


Zanitram said...

Thanks mommy! I don't know how I was such a canuck fan.. we didn't have tv!!

b said...

LOL love will find a way!

Liana said...

The Canucks weren't on TV back in the day ... but we all had radios.

mari said...

aww - look at his cute little tux!